Play Run baby run Game
Game description : These crazy clouds are cramping your style!
Game controls : Robin\'s controls:\r
A and D - Run.\r
1 - Activate "Ghost Cloud" (red ghost icon).\r
2 - Activate "Break Cloud\' (hammer icon).\r
3 - Activate "Hyperspeed" (wing icon).\r
4 - Activate "Slow Down Time" (clock icon).\r
Bonnie\'s control:\r
Left and Right arrow keys - Run.\r
6 - Activate "Ghost Cloud" (red ghost icon).\r
7 - Activate "Break Cloud\' (hammer icon).\r
8 - Activate "Hyperspeed" (wing icon).\r
9 - Activate "Slow Down Time" (clock icon).\r
Keep running and jumping down until you get to the bottom. If you get pushed to the top of the screen, you\'ll lose a life (you have 3 lives at the start of the game). Pick up everything except for bombs. Hearts give you an extra life. \r

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