Play Cassandra the witch dress up Game
Game description : Witches are known to be mean and making spells to transform people in animals and other horrible spells. But we also know that there are many of them that are doing good spells and help us. Cassandra is one of the good witches and she is a beautiful young girl that learned the magic from her mother and grandmother. Today she is so excited because her mother will teach her the secret spell of how to make a boy fall in love with a girl and she hopes she will be able to apply the spell on the boy she likes so much. But in the end what she\'ll find out is that being yourself and looking good is the secret of making someone fall in love with you. So help her out because she\'ll meet the boy she likes later on today. Dress her up in a cute outfit choosing a pretty top and bottoms or maybe a dress then match to it a pair of shoes. Do her hair too for a sweet look and at the end choose a witch\'s accessory to show the boy what she can do.
Game controls : This game is played with mouse only.

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